Friday, 13 July 2012

An interview with my mom.

Interviewer: Deona
Interviewee: Jo-Anne

1. How has painting been for you thus far? 
Priming was time consuming, but the paint went on smooth as silk. 

2. What is your favourite colour in the house so far? 
I would say, I LOVE the livingroom and kitchen colour. Especially with the white window frames and the white trim. It is going to be stunning. 

3. What colour are you least fond of? 
I would have to say the orange. Hahah, sorry, and I like orange, but it's just..hehe.. it's just a little much. 

4. What colour would you recommend because we have not yet committed to the orange?
I would recommend just one wall in the deep orange and the rest in just a light tint of orange. And then use accents in your curtains and bedding. 

5. Who has helped you with the painting? 
Well, so far we have had Shawna come and Sandra, Jeff and Janna, you and me. And before me, I am told, it was Deona's friends. (Erinn and Candy)

6. Have you encountered any obstacles with painting so far?
YES! (hand gestures included)

7. And..what are these obstacles? 
Well, long have I been here?? three weeks...I mean days..Deona, don't write that. 
Obstacles. The mudders and tappers are not finishing their job. Tappers? It's 'p'. 
Which means we have to wait for them so we can't continue on with the painting. Lots of starts and stops, I guess. 

8. What have you been doing besides painting since you came to Calgary three days ago? 
Well, once I was sent on a mission to buy some more paint and I got stuck in traffic on Deerfoot. It took me an hour! I also spent this afternoon packing the apartment. Vacuuming, washing cupboards and just enjoying Steve and Deona's company. Oh! And don't forget chicktionary. 

9. How many points did we get in Chicktionary today? 
11900 points! 42 words! Beat that Jeff!

Thank you for participating in this blog interview. Below you will see a sneak preview of some of the coloured walls!

Trying out our bold green - split pea.

Loving the green.

Steve prepping the bathroom floor for tiles.


Preparing for texture on the ceiling.

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