Monday, 2 April 2012

Plan, plan, plan!

The phase in between demo and building was the planning part. I am late blogging about this for two reasons. For one it was frustrating and two, it was time consuming. We had a plan and then found another idea and re-planned. When we finally thought we had it figured out, we found out that we wouldn't be able to remodel a part of the house because of it's poor foundation. So, we re-planned. I have to say that we did have a lot of help. Two weekends ago I went home for my mom's birthday. During that time I spent a few hours at the kitchen table with my 'dream team' (my sister, mom and dad). I coined them the 'dream team' because all of us love to dream and the wealth of ideas and knowledge in the group really makes them the most ideal people to plan with. Our goal was to find a layout that worked and one that Steve would approve of. In the end we succeeded with our goal.
 I also had some help from the little people in my life. My niece and nephew were so excited about my house that they worked all weekend to build a Lego version of what they thought it should look like. Here are some pictures of it:

The finished product and so proud to show it!

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